Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Well, here she is. This is "Rags" short for "Ragamuffin" which is what she looked like when I finally caught her. She was only 5 weeks old when she followed Marshmallow and Lucky home. (The 2 cats we already had) It took me a week to catch her too. But she kept coming back to eat and sleep on the porch.
She likes to play with my stuff. I think her favorite is rewinding my threads under the dining room table! I started to hide things from her by putting a towel accross the table. That lasted a few days before she discovered what was under the towel!!
She also has a partner in crime. That would be Pepper, our cocker spaniel puppy. Pepper is actually a year old now and still chews anything she finds. Rags shares my stuff with her by knocking it off the table! Of course this is when they aren't chasing each other. Too funny.

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