Monday, November 13, 2006

Guilloche Stitch Sampler

Sampler 001
Originally uploaded by sewquilty.

I finished my first sampler. I love the way this stitch changes depending on what thread you use. I think my favorite is the bottom one. I used bugle beads as the posts and wove through them using a varigated frost by Edmar. (I love that thread and just wish it would get easier to use!) Then I put seed beads in the center. I used the frost thread by Edmar again as the outline. This one does sparkle. I wonder if that is why I say it is my favorite. It just catches my eye first. As I look at this picture I wonder how this stitch would look if I put the bugle beads in the vertical direction. hummmm.....

I started my next sampler. This will be a fly stitch variation and I'll be using purples. I do have a plan here. I have my threads sorted by type of thread. I think I would prefer to sort by color. Now I have most of my greens together. Last night I started to gather my purples together. We shall see how this works for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that bottom row too, its really pretty!